Corporate information

Bogdanka ends 2019 with very good results

LW BOGDANKA S.A. published consolidated financial results for 2019. Consolidated revenue for that period amounted to PLN 2,157.9 million (increase by 22.8%), EBITDA – PLN 767.6 million (+63.6%), operating profit – PLN 375.2 million (+504.9%), and net profit – PLN 308.7 million (+473.9%).

Corporate information

Very good operating and financial results, increased production and sales

Consolidated revenue for that period amounted to PLN 1,098.3 million (increase by 28.3%), EBITDA – PLN 434.4 million (+55.9%), operating profit – PLN 241.8 million (+209.9%), and net profit – PLN 197.9 million (+198.3%).

Corporate information

Results of the LW Bogdanka Group for Q1 2019: strong financial and operational performance

LW BOGDANKA S.A. has announced consolidated financial results for the first quarter of 2019. Consolidated revenue for that period amounted to PLN 540.8 million (increase by 35.6%), EBITDA – PLN 222.9 million (+74.8%), operating profit – PLN 128 million (+348.9%), and net profit – PLN 110 million (+374.6%).

Corporate information

LW Bogdanka named transparent company of 2018

LW BOGDANKA S.A. has been included in the group of laureates of the 3rd edition of the Transparent Company of the Year ranking for 2018, organised by the “Parkiet” daily and the Polish Accounting and Tax Institute, under honorary auspices of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Bogdanka received the title as a company making part of the mWIG40 index. This is the second special recognition of L.W. Bogdanka in this ranking.

Corporate information

Preliminary results of LW Bogdanka Group for Q1 2019: strong financial and operational performance

LW BOGDANKA S.A., the most modern and productive hard coal mine in Poland, making part of the Enea Group – one of the leaders in the Polish power market, has announced preliminary consolidated financial results for the first quarter of 2019.