Cooperation with schools
Partner Schools
In the framework of its Educational Policy, Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” S.A. cooperates with schools engaged in the education of specialists which the Company needs for its further development.
A letter of intent as regards continuation of this collaboration has been signed by LW Bogdanka, RG Bogdanka, Zespół Szkół Górniczych w Łęcznej (Mining Schools in Łęczna) and Zespół Szkół w Ostrowie Lubelskim (School Complex in Ostrów Lubelski). The collaboration envisages a project entitled “A Pass to Work in Bogdanka”, addressed to the graduates of our Partner Schools, and a scholarship program for best performing students.
“A Pass to Work in Bogdanka” is a project designed to choose three laureates from among the Partner School graduates who will be awarded “A Pass to Work in Bogdanka”, in line with the existing HR needs of the LW Bogdanka Coal Mine, as well as to award commendation to seven more students who will be offered employment in RG Bogdanka.
The Educational Policy also includes cooperation in the form of a Scholarship Program for best performing students. The scholarships are awarded to students of mining schools for their good study results in technical subjects. The scholarship is PLN 1,000 per semester, payable after the end of each school semester.
Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
The scope of the “A Pass to Work in Bogdanka” program also includes collaboration with AGH University in Kraków. Every year, the Company employs the best graduates, being guided by its sense of co-responsibility for good preparation of human resources for underground-pit mining, and in particular to encourage graduates of engineering programs to continue to raise their skills and qualifications in Master’s degree studies.