
Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. pays special attention to ensuring legal security in its internal operations and in its relations with the business environment.

The Company's current market position is the result of diligent attention to the proper application of laws and ethical standards. To further its corporate development, the Company has introduced a compliance management system – Compliance Policy, ensuring compliance with laws, internal regulations and ethical standards. LWB S.A.’s Compliance Policy governs the functioning of the Company’s compliance system.
 The Compliance Policy at Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A., which forms the Compliance Management System, is an expression of the Company's commitment to maintaining high ethical standards and taking actions in compliance with the law.

The purpose of the Policy is to create a smoothly functioning System that guarantees high efficiency in the compliance management process.

Compliance – ensuring compliance of the Company’s operations in 3 areas:

3 obszary compliance

Compliance Management System at LWB S.A.

Compliance management at the Company is carried out in three areas:

  • Compliance of operations with generally applicable acts of law, meaning compliance with the provisions of international law, European Union law and national law,
  • Compliance of operations with the Company’s internal acts, meaning compliance with the acts adopted by the Shareholder Meeting, Supervisory Board, Management Board and issued by the Company’s Management Board Members,
  • Compliance of operations with generally accepted ethical standards, meaning compliance with the Code of Ethics of Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” in place at the Company

compliance infografika


Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. is committed to high ethical standards in the work environment, such as treating every employee and collaborator with respect and taking due care of their personal dignity.

Following mutual consultations with the Management Boards of the Subsidiaries, i.e. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A., Łęczyńska Energetyka Sp. z o.o., RG Bogdanka Sp. z o.o., MR Bogdanka Sp. z o.o. and EkoTRANS Sp. z o.o., the LW Bogdanka Group introduced a Group-wide Code of Ethics, constituting a commitment to respect the dignity of employees and to maintain attitudes in accordance with applicable standards of law, organizational culture, communication and ethics.

It is a code of good practices, conduct and values and a formalized set of rules and ethical principles recognized by all employees of the Subsidiaries, which are followed and respected. It places demands on employees at all levels of the Group that are higher than those imposed by the law alone. It has an educational function and motivates people to keep working on themselves. Such a top-down moral guidepost makes it easier for many employees to deal with difficult, unclear and problematic situations they encounter while performing their job duties. Condemning bad behavior and raising awareness of the sanctions threatened for it, on the other hand, can be considered a method of fighting for a better future for both the Subsidiaries and the employees they employ.

Documents to download:
LW Bogdanka Group’s Code of Ethics     DOWNLOAD

As of August 2015, LW Bogdanka S.A. expects participants of the Lublin mine’s supply chain to comply with the provisions of the document entitled Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

The document formalizes certain rules that have been in place for a long time in contacts with suppliers’ representatives – mostly stemming from Bogdanka’s Code of Ethics, with which every mine employee is acquainted and which he or she undertakes to follow by affixing his or her signature. It is also the result of LW Bogdanka’s implementation of the CSR strategy, in which one of the main goals is to guarantee transparency of management practices and effective management of responsibility in the supply chain.

The Code of Conduct for LW Bogdanka’s Suppliers has been developed using the experience of the institution of the LW Bogdanka Ethics Ombudsman and persons from the Procurement Division responsible for cooperation with supply chain representatives.

Documents to download:
LWB Code of Conduct for Suppliers  DOWNLOAD