UN Sustainable Development Goals

Lubelski Węgiel "Bogdanka" SA is a Company actively involved in the implementation of the most important environmental development programs and management practices.


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One of the biggest challenges facing players in all sectors around the world is the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set out in the UN Resolution Transforming our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Their most general premise is to conduct operations in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. These operations are intended to provide current and future generations with a better quality of life. Their foundation is a solid partnership fulfilling a common mission both locally and globally.


Our Company actively supports the implementation of selected Sustainable Development Goals and declares the consistency of its important strategic documents with their assumptions:

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GOAL 1: End poverty

The group provides a high salary, much higher than the average salary for the Lubelskie Voivodeship (according to Statistics Poland data). In addition to the base salary and bonus system, our employees receive a number of additional financial benefits such as “Barbórka” benefits, fourteenth salary, jubilee award, vacation benefits and children's allowance. It is worth adding that ensuring that the Group's employees are adequately rewarded for their hard work affects the development of the entire Region (economic multiplier effect).

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GOAL 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Programs and initiatives that support healthy life and well-being are aimed at the entire community. LW Bogdanka S.A., in compliance with the applicable laws, ensures, among other things, the presence of properly trained services on the site. This includes approximately 815 paramedics. As part of periodic (annual) training and optional campaigns, doctors familiarize the crew with the principles of first aid. AED defibrillators with use instructions have been distributed throughout the site. If necessary they can be used by any employee, regardless of whether they are trained in its use. Telecardiographs have also been deployed at the mine site for self-recording of heart rate readings.

In view of the need to provide the fastest and best possible hospital care, over the past years LW Bogdanka S.A. has repeatedly provided financial support to the County Hospital in Łęczna. The hospital, thanks in part to the Company's support, today has one of the best burn treatment centers in Poland.
As part of the implementation of the CSR strategy, regular blood donation and bone marrow donor bank registration campaigns, as well as prevention programs for the community and employees, are conducted.

We declare continuation of efforts in the field of:

  • support of the treatment and promotion of mental health and well-being
  • prevention and treatment of addiction to drugs, including narcotics, and harmful alcohol consumption
  • road safety to reduce the number of all injuries and fatalities in traffic accidents
  • elimination of occupational diseases of the Mine employees
  • promotion and respect of work-life balance

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GOAL 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

In pursuit of this goal, the Company supports education at all levels. Thanks to the donation fund and sponsorship, schools near Bogdanka have been outfitted with equipment. The Company's activities have also contributed to the improvement of teaching substantive scope and methodology. The Company works closely with schools and technical colleges, implementing scholarship and apprenticeship programs for the most talented students.

With the initiatives already in place and planned for the future, we want to ensure:

  • equal access to formal and non-formal education for people at risk of social marginalization
  • affordable access to quality technical, vocational and higher education, equal for men and women
  • cooperation with the state administration to support vocational education
  • increasing, among children and young people, technical, vocational and other knowledge and skills needed for obtaining employment, finding a decent job and developing entrepreneurship
  • supporting the removal of gender inequality in education and ensuring equal access to education at all levels and vocational training for the most vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, rural populations and disadvantaged children.

Working with educational institutions at all levels of teaching, we promote knowledge of sustainable development, social responsibility, human rights, healthy and active lifestyles, social participation, integration and appreciation of cultural diversity and its contribution to sustainable development.

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GOAL 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

In order to spread the access to clean energy and modern energy services, the Company initiated the creation of the Łęczna Energy Cluster in June 2022. Through the operation of the Cluster, whose strategy is currently being designed, the share of RES in the local energy mix will be increased. The Company, together with partner research institutes, conducts analyses for sustainable use of the Company's resources, such as the Bogdanka mining waste storage yard (including the SUMAD project - leader: Central Mining Institute).

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GOAL 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

By creating high demand for labor now, and in the long term, offering decent working conditions and high wages, cooperating with a wide chain of suppliers of goods and services, and undertaking various technological and social investments, we promote economic and social development (including high consumption), thus eliminating poverty.

The use of state-of-the-art mining technologies and even the involvement of the Company's employees in their development reduces the environmental damage associated with the mining sector's activities.

One of the values most often supported through responsible management practices is “entrepreneurship” - both internally (employees at all levels) and externally (e.g. in support of formal and non-formal education).

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GOAL 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

For years the Company has been achieving the highest mining efficiency in Poland, modernizing the mine technologically, and developing incentive programs for employees. We specialized in mining coal from very thin seams, thus showing respect for non-renewable resources. With our efficiency, we want to show how cost-effective it is to use coal produced by Bogdanka. We strive to ensure that our customers have certainty that the quality of the raw material is consistent with their expectations. Accordingly, we are simplifying complaint procedures, while putting emphasis on quality control. 
We are strengthening our efforts for environmental efficiency and reducing negative environmental impacts - ongoing initiatives and projects, as well as investments and the elimination of mining damage, are geared towards restoring natural values and compensating the environment for its resources.  

Our activities in the Lubelskie Voivodeship also have a positive impact on the supplier chain - SMEs in our value chain are taking sustainable development measures in order, among other things, to be able to fulfill the provisions of the LWB Code of Conduct for Suppliers - a mandatory document for entities wishing to compete in tenders organized by the Company. Thus, the Company is promoting sustainable procurement practices.

Sustainability education is embedded in most of the initiatives and projects underway - including active conservation of nature or community-based activities. We want to increase access to relevant information and raise awareness among all people around the world about sustainable development and a lifestyle in harmony with nature.

However, we do not forget the power of modern technologies, which we ourselves, as a Smart Solutions Mine, use. We cooperate with young innovators (including AGH students, the Association of Lublin Universities), support regional competitions (Architect of Innovation 2022), and support employees in creating patents or improvement projects.  
The Company has taken measures to use energy, water and other raw materials more efficiently. To achieve this goal, among other things, a Water Treatment Station was set up, which in its first year of operation allowed a 60% increase in the reuse of mine and rainwater.  

Sustainable production, in addition to the aforementioned responsible mining of the raw material from the thinnest seams, also involves the implementation of circular economy solutions.  They not only lead to an increase in operating profit by reducing the consumption of raw materials and materials, but also reduce the scale of negative environmental impact and pollution, which directly contributes to an improved quality of life.
Important activities also include continuous monitoring of the environmental impact of the Company's operations.

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GOAL 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Bogdanka has taken action against climate change by incorporating ESG issues into its business strategy. We are increasing climate-related intellectual capacity through a number of educational activities, including those aimed at the Company's employees. Climate-related risks have been developed to be part of the Group's risk management. Adequate funds are allocated each year for climate protection activities.

Mechanisms are being implemented with external partners to enhance the ability to effectively plan and manage climate change and environmental performance (environmental KPIs for division/organizational unit managers).

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GOAL 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

“A successful sustainable development agenda requires partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. These inclusive partnerships should be built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals that place people and the planet at the centre.” Building shared value and committing to the goals of sustainable development, Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka SA engages and declares even broader involvement in cross-sector partnerships, both with international institutions and organizations, government administration and national entities, as well as local governments and NGO's from the Lubelskie Voivodeship.

We undertake a number of initiatives related to multi-sectoral environmental cooperation. As an example, we can point to the agreement with the Municipality of Łęczna and the Landscapes Foundation or the Łęczna County and local NGOs and rural women's associations.

In 2020 the Company joined the Responsible Business Forum and in 2022 the UN Global Compact initiative.