Solidary Miners Foundation - help from the heart of a coal mine!

The “Solidary Miners” Foundation is a non-governmental organization that has become a permanent part of the support system for the employees of Bogdanka and its subsidiaries, as well as for members of local communities in Lubelskie Voivodeship, who turn to it when they find themselves in life dire straits.

The Foundation was set up by the LW Bogdanka S.A.’s Management Board in 2013, as an additional and effective form of supporting the mining community: employees of the Company, its subsidiaries and sub-contracting partners, including their families. However, the Foundation could not focus on miners alone and turn a blind eye on the needs of other individuals with close ties to the Coal Mine. Therefore, the Company also finances activities addressed to inhabitants of the Lublin Region, striving to be a good neighbor and leader of social responsibility in this area.

Every year, several dozen of beneficiaries, individuals and legal entities, receive support for their respective project objectives set in the area of health care or assistance to victims of accidents, education, levelling out of opportunities for persons who are socially excluded or at the risk of social exclusion, as well as in other relevant and important community areas.

Our operation takes the form of, among others, co-financing of treatment and rehabilitation, infrastructural investments improving accessibility and quality of life, assistance to the impoverished or a scholarship system.

The Foundation enjoys the status of a public benefit organization (OPP), which confirms the transparency and effectiveness of our actions. It also allows us to currently write off 1.5% of tax on our PIT return.

Below you will find more detailed information about the Solidary Miners Foundation operating in Bogdanka - an organization whose mission is to support the mining and local communities.

The “Solidary Miners” Foundation in Bogdanka started its operation at the turn of 2013 and 2014.

It was established primarily in response to the needs of LW Bogdanka S.A.’s employees and their families, as well as the local community with geographical and emotional ties to the Coal Mine. The Foundation was founded by the Management Board of Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” S.A., and its governing bodies include the Foundation Board and the Management Board.

The Foundation Board is a supervisory and control body overseeing the activities of the Foundation. The Foundation Management Board is responsible for its ongoing statutory operation, funds management, implementation of activity programs, provision of assistance, etc. Detailed tasks and competencies of both Foundation bodies are defined in its Articles of Association and the Foundation’s Bylaws. The Foundation conducts activities for public benefit. Since 2017, it has also had the status of a public benefit organisation (PBO), which entitles it to receive contributions made by taxpayers as part of their declared tax deduction.

The Foundation derives its income in particular from: donations, legacies, heritages, grants, endowments, subsidies, income from promotional campaigns and its business operation, etc. The funds are earmarked for support of individuals and other entities. The Foundation awards its assistance to persons or organizations (also based on interviews with members of the community) in most urgent need, in line with its financial capabilities.

The Founder - Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” S.A., has supported the Foundation with financial donations earmarked for the execution of its statutory objectives:

  • 17 April 2014: donation of PLN 200,000;
  • 2 July 2014: statutory fund of PLN 20,000;
  • 2 February 2017: donation of PLN 200,000;
  • 19 December 2017: donation of PLN 200,000;
  • 19 November 2018: donation of PLN 200,000;
  • 18 November 2019: donation of PLN 250,000;
  • 2020: two targeted donations to address the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, in the total amount of PLN 500,000;
  • 3 December 2021: donation of PLN 250,000;
  • 7 March 2022: targeted donation for assistance to persons in difficult life circumstances in connection with the military conflict in Ukraine.
  • 17 March 2023: donation of PLN 350,000;
  • 26 April 2023: donation of PLN 4,000,000;

Furthermore, every year the Foundation receives donations from individuals or firms and institutions which appreciate the importance of its activities. The Company’s employees provide donations by the way of salary write-offs; this is how, among others, the fund for victims of mining accidents has been created. The account is also boosted by tax-deductible contributions from taxpayers.

All the received funds are earmarked to statutory activities, i.e. help for those most in need. Both the members of the Foundation's Management Board and the Board perform their duties on a non-remuneration basis. Applications for support are verified rigorously, based on the “Aid Granting Bylaws”. The Foundation follows the principle of transparency and openness of operations, by publishing its financial and activity reports.

At present, the Management Board is composed of:

  • Anna Zielińska – President of the Management Board
  • Agata Kostarz – Vice - President of the Management Board

The Foundation Board is composed of:

  • Sławmoir Krenczyk – Chairperson
  • Grzegorz Gawroński – Vice - Chairperson
  • Paweł Kraszewski – Member
  • Adam Pieróg – Member

Documents for download:

PKO BP S.A. 04 1020 3206 0000 8902 0105 5219
„Solidary Miners” Foundation in Bogdanka
21-013 Puchaczów
KRS 000491946