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Bogdanka establishes the Łęczyński Energy Cluster

Increasing the share of energy generated from renewable sources in the local energy mix, supporting the local development of businesses with high electricity demand in the process of optimizing the costs and reducing their carbon footprint are among the main goals of the activities of the Łęczyński Energy Cluster, established on Friday, 17 February 2023. The agreement on the matter was signed at the headquarters of the leader, Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.

Cluster members are guided by the idea of developing distributed energy to improve local energy security, with optimal organizational, legal and financial conditions.

Local government units face challenges similar to those faced by business - supporting the country's energy security and investing in climate change adaptation and the availability of clean and cheaper energy are among the main ones. As a leader in business efficiency, we focus on solutions that combine cost and production optimization with positive environmental impact. Renewable energy will allow both the Company and its partners in the Cluster to reduce carbon emissions, but also stimulate regional development. Because in the long term, energy from RES, its storage or the production of components themselves create an opportunity to create new jobs for the residents of the Lublin region. We are pleased by the huge substantive involvement of our stakeholders, with whom we have defined a strategy for the Cluster for the coming years - we are talking about both representatives of local governments, as well as the Lublin University of Technology and the National Chamber of Energy Clusters, the most experienced entity cooperating in the establishment of most clusters in Poland. It is worth mentioning that the Scientific Board at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka issued a positive recommendation for the strategy, emphasizing the role of renewable energy for the efforts to curb climate change,

said Kasjan Wyligała, President of the Management Board of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka.

Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka has become a founding member of the Łęczyński Energy Cluster, and Łęczyńska Energetyka has taken on the role of the coordinator whose tasks will include integrating local government units and Bogdanka. In addition, the signatories of the agreement were: Lublin University of Technology, Łęczna County, and the municipalities: Łęczna, Cyców, Ludwin, Milejów, Puchaczów and Spiczyn.

The first stage is investments aimed at meeting energy needs by generators within the energy cluster. Ultimately, we want the generation of economic value through the production of energy from RES to be an important part of Bogdanka's strategy, based on diversification. The cluster brings together our long-standing partners - mining municipalities that have developed and are implementing the Green Basin supra-local development strategy, and by continuously strengthening the cooperation of neighboring municipalities with the County and the largest employer in the Region, we ensure consistency and continuity in the investments made and a common direction of development,

said Vice-President of the Management Board for Sales and Investments at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka Dariusz Dumkiewicz.

The idea of the Cluster is also to implement innovative solutions in the energy sector and improve the competitiveness of the entities that make up the Cluster, as well as to promote the region as open to the development of clean technologies that significantly reduce the environmental burdens and impacts generated by the traditional energy sector, local industry and transportation, which will significantly improve the health and lives of local communities and the sustainable development of the municipalities and other entities that make up the Cluster.

The Cluster's activities are perfectly in line with both the scientific research conducted at Lublin University of Technology in the field of distributed and renewable energy, as well as the fields of study, such as renewable energy engineering or the planned faculty of power engineering. As the only technical university in the region, we have the expertise, modern laboratory facilities and instruments to support innovation and technology transfer. In this way, we will be an excellent scientific resource for the local communities, using our potential to develop our economy,

said the Rector of Lublin University of Technology Prof. Zbigniew Pater.

The Cluster will facilitate both local government’s and residents’ access to renewable energy sources, as well as become a good source of savings opportunities in the area of energy for individuals. The cooperation of local governments under the cluster initiative will accelerate the pace of development of our county,

said Krzysztof Niewiadomski the Łęczna County Administrator.

We are pleased that as the National Chamber of Energy and RES Clusters we could take part in such a project. It definitely takes leaders like Bogdanka to promote Poland’s new power sector and a local energy market based on an energy cluster. It is not only the energy cluster, but a number of other initiatives that can be carried out under the aegis of Bogdanka. We hope that local governments will follow this example, and that the Łęczyński Energy Cluster will be a model,

said Tomasz Drzał Managing Director of the National Chamber of Energy and RES Clusters, author of the cluster’s strategy.

LW Bogdanka S.A. highlights

Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. is a leading hard coal producer in Poland that stands apart from its peers in terms of its modern and efficient mining. It is one of the largest Polish hard coal mines. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. chiefly conducts mining operations in terms of hard coal extraction, enrichment and sales. It supplies this raw material mainly to industrial offtakers. Supply contracts are long-term, and the product is sold to the commercial power sector and the industrial power sector.

The company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since June of 2009. In August 2022, Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. returned to listing on the WIG-ESG Index.

Since October of 2015 Bogdanka has been a member of the Enea Group, the second largest player on Poland’s electrical power market in terms of the generation of electricity, which manages the entire value chain on the electricity market ranging from fuel to the generation of electricity, distribution, sales (supply) and customer service.