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Jubilee of 40 years of mining

On Tuesday, 30 November 1982, at 10:50 a.m., the first longwall was launched on level 922 of the “Samsonowicz” shaft in Bogdanka, which began coal mining in the Lublin Coal Basin. Thus, today marks exactly 40 years since the first ton of coal was mined from Bogdanka!


Jubileusz 40-lecia wydobycia ilustracja



The mining in the Bogdanka mine begun using the “caving and retreat” method. The shearer advanced 2 meters into the longwall every day. At 12:30 pm, the long-awaited first coal wagon emerged from the shaft. The raw material was still relatively scarce. However, it was certainly the “big coal” that had been so eagerly awaited for almost eight years since the construction of the first mine in the Lublin Coal Basin began.




Please watch the video we made on the occasion of the anniversary:

LW Bogdanka S.A. highlights

Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. is a leading hard coal producer in Poland that stands apart from its peers in terms of its modern and efficient mining. It is one of the largest Polish hard coal mines. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. chiefly conducts mining operations in terms of hard coal extraction, enrichment and sales. It supplies this raw material mainly to industrial offtakers. Supply contracts are long-term, and the product is sold to the commercial power sector and the industrial power sector.

The company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since June of 2009. In August 2022, Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. returned to listing on the WIG-ESG Index.

Since October of 2015 Bogdanka has been a member of the Enea Group, the second largest player on Poland’s electrical power market in terms of the generation of electricity, which manages the entire value chain on the electricity market ranging from fuel to the generation of electricity, distribution, sales (supply) and customer service.